Willard C. Losinger

Willard C. Losinger


Musician, Writer, World Traveler, Photographer, Artist,
Former Statistician and Recovered Government Employee

Hopefully, you will find here something that is either enjoyable or intriguing


  • Rejoice in my Music section, where I present samples of musical instruments and genres that I play, and languages in which I have sung.

  • Find delight in reading some entertaining and original short stories, braided essays, stage plays, and fine poetry in my Literature section.

  • Enrapture your spirit by viewing some of my Travel Photos (they're great!) from my days as a World Traveller during the 1980s. I feature sections on Tonga, Samoa, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and the Philippines.

  • Savor a supreme sense of sublimity from gazing upon some of my Digital Photos, including sections devoted to animals, flowers, fruits, Harbor Springs and Illinois.

  • Exalt your soul by beholding a sample of my Works of Art (a few drawings, and some photoshop stuff--I really need to do some more).

  • Enthrall your mind in my Statistical Stuff section, where you may read about my glorious contributions to the fields of Statistics, Economics and Epidemiology; marvel at my Professional Experiences; and derive a thrill from my extensive list of Professional Publications.

  • Enjoy my music and other videos at my YouTube Channel. My musical interpretation of Carmen 16 (Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo), by Gaius Valerius Catullus, was featured on the podcast Aquí Hay Dragones, Episode 11 - AHD20 - De lechugas, voces y nabos, Thu, 15 Nov 2018 (a little over one hour into the show).

  • Buy and read my published books from Amazon: both kindle and print editions.

  • Review and purchase some of my Stock Photos (there are thousands available). Some of my photographs appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

  • If for some odd reason you wish to contact me, try [email protected] (who knows? I might respond).